Saturday, September 11, 2010

Soda water turned out could affect the sperm

Bad news for the male fans of soft drinks. Soda water turned out could affect the sperm. Based on the research scientists Copenhagen University Hospital, Danish, men who drank a liter of fizzy drinks or more, every day, have a sperm count less than those who did not consume soft drinks.

The results are published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, as quoted by Nature News.

Reality is different from the caffeine. Previous researchers have speculated that eating large amounts of caffeine can produce fewer sperm count.

However, recent studies show different results. The researchers took sperm samples from 2554 men aged approximately 18 years. All men underwent physical tests to check their health for military duty between 2001 and 2005. They also collected data on beverage intake from all participants.

The researchers found that men who did not drink carbonated beverages have a sperm count 50 million sperm per millimeter.

Men who drink a liter or more soft drinks, has only 35 million sperm per millimeter. Although this difference was not drastic enough to qualify as a problem according to the World Health Organization (WHO), lower sperm counts associated with low fertility.

Smaller influence on the level of sperm, appeared in men who drank tea or coffee in large quantities, to the exclusion of caffeine as a possible cause.

Researchers are not sure whether a lower sperm counts caused by soft drinks, or by an unhealthy lifestyle associated with soda consumption.

"It is important to note that men who drank soft drinks too much different in many ways," says researcher Tina Jensen KOLD.

Men who drink soft drinks in large numbers tend to eat more fast food and eating less fruit and vegetables.

"I imagine that lifestyle," said Fabio Pasqualotto, from the University of Caxias do Sul in Brazil, involved in the research.

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